Bauhaus museum Weimar

Weimar, GER

Neues Bauhaus Museum Weimar 02

The commissioned task was to plan a new building for the Bauhaus Museum, Weimar at the Weimarhallenpark, which is located in direct proximity to the former Gauforum.

The competition entry reacted both to the specific urban situation and to the historic and local connections between the Bauhaus and its representatives.

The ground floor has been planned as an open, developed landscape. Above it, the exhibition rooms are suspended as a canted volume, defining the forecourt and the main entrance as a physical canopy construction. The museum is integrated into the existing urban structure, and interwoven with it in spatial terms. Inside, the building is cloven into “canyons”, which make reference in their orientation to the domain of the Bauhaus, modernism and its personalities.

This creates an abstract interweaving of the building with historical events regarding the Bauhaus movement.

Daylight is guided into the interior and differentiated through the “canyons”. The exhibition areas have been planned as black boxes without daylight, and are interconnected via bridges which lead over the “canyons”.

  • Location
    Weimar | GER
  • Year
  • Typology
    Cultural Buildings
  • Status
  • Awarding Authority
    Classic Foundation Weimar
  • Procedure Type
    International Open Competition
  • Team
    Roger Christ I Julia Christ I Sascha Daum I Costa Krautwald
Neues Bauhaus Museum Weimar 03
Neues Bauhaus Museum Weimar 05
Neues Bauhaus Museum Weimar 06
Neues Bauhaus Museum Weimar 07
Neues Bauhaus Museum Weimar 08

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